
Definition- the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

I believe that globalism is very good and I will give a couple examples of why globalism is good. The first reason globalism is good is that globalization represents free trade which promotes global economic growth; creates jobs, makes companies more competitive, and lowers prices for consumers. Another reason why globalism is good is that there is now a worldwide market for companies and consumers who have access to products from different countries. This is why I believe that globalization is not just great for America but for everyone around the world.

This is an example of countries trading.

Love over Pride

The narrator, seeing Doodle as a source of embarrassment, begins to try to teach his brother to walk against the advice of his mother and Doodle’s doctor. Doodle doggedly persists in what initially appears a fruitless exercise. Little by little he advances, learning first to stand and then to walk. On Doodle’s sixth birthday, the narrator reveals their progress to their delighted family and begins to cry with pride, secretly aware that he has acted in self-interest: Doodle’s inability to walk had brought him shame, so he taught his brother out of pride rather than love. His brother chooses pride over just loving his brother for who he is.

Acceptance versus expectation

The narrator begins to teach Doodle to swim, row, climb, and box. He creates an ambitious exercise regimen designed to prepare Doodle for school the following year. Doodles brother does not accept Doodle for who he is. He expects Doodle to be able to do everything he is able to do.

Do people love one another but just embarrassed by them?

Do more people choose pride or love?

3 Ways to be a better Football Player.

#1. Practice

Practicing will make you a better football player. If you work hard enough you will become better. You have to put in the time if you want to become a better football player.

#2 Effort

An important thing in football is to play with effort. You may not always do the right thing but you can do it 110%. It also allows you to play fast and physical. Effort will get you playing time also in games.

3. Leader Ship

Leader ship will not help in football but it will help out in life. Being a leader is one of the best characteristics you could have. A team could be full with talent but be bad because there is no leadership. Leader ship will help you be a great football player.

Trump vs Biden

Looking through all of the data it looks like Biden is in the lead right now. By looking at this data it looks like Biden is going to win. I believe that Trump will win. I think this because he has done many good things for Americas people. “Almost 4 million jobs created since election.” This shows that Trump has created 4 million jobs in America. ” More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.” This is another reason why I believe that Trump will win. “Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.” This is the last reason why I believe that Trump will win.

On day two of looking at the pools it still looks as if Biden is going to win. Biden has 264 electoral votes and Trump has 214 electoral votes. You have to reach 270 electoral votes to win. This puts Biden on track to win the election.